- January 2025: Our workshop proposal entitled “PIMBAA: Principles for Intrinsic Motivations in Biological and Artificial Agents” got accepted at the RLDM conference to be held in Dublin in June, more news to come!
- September 2024: I presented our “Value emerges from imperfect memory” paper in the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior conference, held in September in Irvine, CA.
- July 2024: Our Maximum Occupancy Principle paper is now published in Nature Communications!
- May 2024: I presented a poster and gave a spotlight talk at the Fifth International Convention on Mathematics Of Neuroscience and AI
- May 2024: I got best poster award at the UNIQUE Student symposium.
- March 2024: I joined the Noise Lab led by Pr. Becket Ebitz as a postdoc to work on intrinsic motivation and exploration in humans. Excited to see where this goes!
- November 2023: Our paper “Empowerment, Free Energy Principle and Maximum Occupancy Principle compared” was accepted in the Information-Theoretic Principles in Cognitive Systems 2023 NeurIPS workshop.
- June 2023: I defended my PhD thesis, entitled “Constraints and rewards in behavior and optimal decision making”, with “Sobresaliente Cum Laude” mention.
- June 2023: I gave a talk at the Active learning in brains and machines CONNECT workshop in Marseille about our work on the maximum occupancy principle.